Determine the extent of coral reef development within the park; assess the general condition of these reefs; describe the coral reef communities on these reefs, in terms of the presence and relative abundance of coral and fish species, as well as other selected species that are considered to be of local and/ or national importance(e.g. giant clams, crown-of-thorns starfish, turtles and marine mammals), assess whether and how these reefs appear to bve presently or potentially impacted by human activities
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41068
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: 3. Introduction, 4. Methods, 4. study site, 4. survey design, 4. site description methods, 4. coral survey methods, 6. fish survey methods. 7. macroinvertebrate survey methods, 7. turtle and marine mammal observations, 7. fishing activity, 7. other observations, 7. results, 7. corals, 14. fishes, 14. macroinvertebrates, 17. turtles and marine mammals, 17. fishing activity, 17. other observations, 17. site summaries, 17. Fagasa, 18. Leutu, 19. Fagatuitui, 20. Muliulu, 21. Agapie, 22. Manofa, 22. Tafeu, 23. Va'aogeoge, 24. Polauta, 25. Pola West, 25. Pola East, 26. Vatia West, 27. Vatia East, 28. Vaiola, 28. Amalau, 29. discussion, 30. management recommendations, 31. acknowledgements, 31. references, 32. tables
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