Large scale interaction between pole and line and purse seine fisheries, Interaction between industrial fisheries and artisanal subsistence fisheries
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41078
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PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. Introduction, 2. Interaction issues, 2. Definition and classification, 3. specific issues, 3. large scale interaction between pole-and-line and purse seine fisheries, 5.Interaction between DWFN surface fisheries and locallybased commercial surface fisheries, 6. Interaction between industrial fishries and artisanal/subsistence fisheries, 7. Interaction between fisheries in different EEZs, 9. Interaction between different fleets in Solomon Islands, 10. Interaction between the DWFN purse seine fishery and longline fisheries, 13. Interaction between DWFN longline fishery and locally based "fresh sashimi" longline fisheries, 14. Interaction between the South Pacific albacore driftnet, troll and longline fisheries, 15. Recommendations for future studies, 15. Literature cited
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