Department of Commerce
PoWPA - Protected areas - Nauru
Aichi target 11 - Protected areas - Nauru
Nauru’s targets by 2025 are to have at least 5% (=105hectares (Ha)) of the terrestrial areas which include inland and coastal areas within the boundaries baseline and 22% (=34,137Ha) of the coastal marine areas outside the boundaries baseline within the territorial sea to the contiguous zone as protected areas. The goal of Nauru is to enhance development and sustainable management of terrestrial, marine and fisheries resources to provide sustainable economic returns. The strategies are to ensure sustainable practices are implemented to safeguard the terrestrial and marine biodiversity and ecosystems including rehabilitation of mined land. The long term goal is to have the main biodiversity and ecosystems protected through protected areas using relevant conservation planning techniques. Nauru is a country with around 85% of the surface area rendered uninhabitable due to strip mining for phosphate and majority of people residing on the coastline except for Buada district, the only inland district community with no coastline. Rehabilitation of the mined areas of the island is the greatest challenge for the country. The economic downturn of Nauru saw a substantial decrease in wage rates within the public sector which accounts for around 80% of employment in the country. This resulted in an increase in fishing especially reef gleaning which has amplified the usage of reef resources on an already heavily exploited reef. The challenge for Nauru is to identify the best area(s) for protection, gather support and manage, monitor, evaluate the area well to ensure the goals are being achieved and food security is secured. These two areas of challenge are necessary and needed for the security and well being of our people.
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