Solid waste management - Oceania
This report is the Phase I report of the AFD Regional Initiative for Solid Waste Management in the Pacific Region, Feasibility Study (Component 2). The report includes: a literature and activity review of waste management activities in the Pacific Region; and a coherent set of countries organised via subregion (Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia) and developed according to shipping routes. A characterisation study of existing facilities, institutions and industries in the region was is also included. To accurately assess the feasibility of potential subregional activities under Component 2 it was necessary to characterise the composition of wastes and the approximate likely yield of various collection systems. Further, to ensure Pacific Island Country and Territory (PICT) preferences for assistance are taken into account, it was necessary to understand priority areas for PICT assessment. A quantitative and qualitative waste characterisation survey was used to gather primary data.
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