Western pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
Pelagic fisheries of the Western Pacific Region
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41253
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. preface, 1. list of preparers, 1. public review and input, 2. responsible agencies, 4. proposed actions, 6. effects of the proposed actions, 7. need for the proposed actions, 7. rapidly increasing fleet size and longline harvests, 9. catch competition between longliners and small boat fishermen, 10. conservation of swordfish stocks, 12. fishery interactions with protected species, 13. summary of need, 16. alternative sto the proposed action and reason for rejection, 16. no action, 17. implement only the longline permit and logbook program, 17. limit application of the observer requirement to vessels within 12 miles of the selected NWHI, 19. relationship of the proposed action to other applicable laws and policies, 19. national environmental policy act, 19. paperwork reduction act, 20. regulatory flexibility act and executive order 12291, 20. coastal zone management act, 21. endangered species act (ESA), 21. marine mammal protection act (MMPA), 22. executive order 12612, draft regulations, appendices, permit form, logbook form
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