Western Pacific Yellowfin Tuna research group workshop
Research on Skipjack and Yellowfin
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41066
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PEIN Notes
Total catches of skipjack and yellofin in the western Pacific Ocean, Distribution of skipjack and yellowfin catch from 1 July 1989 to 31 December 1991. Darker squares indicate areas of greater catch. Philippines and Indonesian domestic catches were unavailable. The study area is indicated by the box, Tagging experiments, Tagging and catch data, model formulation, Parameter estimation, The mixing assumption, Estimation of "Nuisnace" parameters, Tag shedding, Tagging mortality, Tag reporting, Emigration from the area of the fishery, Mixing periods, Estimation of confidence intervals, Results and discussion, Skipjack parameter estimates, Yellowfin parameter estimates, statistical properties of the estimates, Effect of catch uncertainty, Effect of reproting rate uncertainty, Effect of assumed mixing period, Spatial effects--can they be ignored, Conclusions status of the stocks and exploitation potential, Management implications, Acknowledgements, Literature cited
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