Environment - Protection - Samoa
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Contents: introcution and conceptual issues-environment becomes the concern of all communities, children's rights and responsibilities, development of children's environmental knowled concern and action; children's developing capacity to participate-development of identity, social development, supportin the participation of girls as well as boys, recognizing individual differences and special needs; organizational principles-avoiding manipulation and tokenism, models of genuine participation, adult initiated shared decisions with children, alternative structures for children's participation, some simple principles of democratic process, organizing meetings, competitions, engating with the news media, monitoring projects; new models for involving children and new institutional alliances; household environmental management, community schools, community cevelopment organizations, children's and youths' organizations, organizations for street and working children and other children living in poverty, children's environmental clubs, child initiated clubs networks and projects, environmental non government organizations, development non government organizations, local government children's councils, local government environmental agencies, case study: the 'Greenlt' programme of the United kingdom, adult environmental professionals, business partnerships with schools and communities, community environmental centres, environmental support centres for community organizers facilitators and teachers, the development of New roles for adults: animators, facilitators, and promoters, case study: The Notting Dale Urban studies centre, England
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