VF 0881
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Abstract: This paper will describe the potential adverse environmental impacts that can arise from the landfilling of municipal solid waste, and the control technologies available to prevent environmental contamination. It will cover the use of environmental impact assessment as an aid in engineering design and control of landfill development, the measures to be taken to prevent pollution of surface and groundwaters, and the control of landfill gas. These will be placed in the context of European regulatory standards and legislation. A major landfill development by Cornwall County Council in South-West England will be used for illustration. The environmental impact assessment at this site, received national recognition, and examined possible effects on human beings, flora, fauna, soil, geology, water, air, the landscape, land use, archaeological features, noise and traffic. Design features include a synthetic basal liner, a landfill gas management scheme, and on-site leachate treatment. Continuing control of the site will be by site licensing. Appropriate monitoring protocols will ensure compliance with the licence conditions and proper performance of the control technologies used
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