Ecology fo key reef species in the nighttime spearfishery; Investigation of ciquatoxic fish caught in Am. Samoa; Survey for rare birds; Fruit bats studies
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41107
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PEIN Notes
Ecology of key reef species in nighttime spear fishery, Investigation of ciguatoxic fishes caught in American Samoa, Ecology of mullet species, Monitor pelagic catches, monitor pelagic catches, WPACFIN information network, offshore fisheries port sampling, commercial landings monitoring, tournament sampling, vessel inventory/classification, biological sampling, data processing systems operations amd upgrades, basic data system, telecommunications node, technical information exchange, technical workshop and training session participation, wildlife research and survey, native bird studies; abundance and distribution, wildlife habitat ecology: botanical characterization, fruit bat studies; genetic analysis, evaluation and recommendations, adequecy of radiotracking effort, mark release recapture as a complementary approach, fruit bat studies: movements, fruit bat studies: abundance and distribution, Aquatic and wildlife education, public awareness outreach, mari field discovery, wildlife discovery, Hooked on fishing, interagency cooperative projects, training workshops, conservation and enforcement, international flight monitoring, international shipping monitoring, patrols and store inspections, NMFS activities, giant clam hatchery, boating access, coordination and administration, program impediments, survey for rare birds, hiring of bird biologist, wildlife habitat ecology botanical characterization, fruit bats studies, aquatic and wildlife education
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