UNISDR Asia and Pacific
Disaster - Risk reduction - Oceania
Disaster management - Oceania
Climate change - Adaptation - Oceania
Risk reduction - Oceania
Emergency management - Oceania
Natural disasters
Climatic changes - Risk assessment - Congresses
As experience with both disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) grows, there is increasing recognition that these two fields share a common focus: reducing the vulnerability of communities and contributing to sustainable development. The high level of climate-related risks in the Pacific, make DRR and CCA key policy goals. The objective of this study is to provide an analysis of the current level of integration of DRR and CCA in the region, with an emphasis on the policy and institutional environment. The report outlines some of the barriers to integration and makes recommendations on how they can be addressed. The analysis presented includes seven Pacific island countries (Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu), however, a more detailed analysis was undertaken of only four of those countries (the Cook Islands, Fiji, Palau and Vanuatu).
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554.11 GER [EL]
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