NOAA technical report NMFS 145; distribution patterns of fish eggs in the U.S. northeast continental shelf ecosystem, 1977-1987.
Environment - Protection - Samoa
Technical report
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Contents: 1. introduction, 1. methods, 5. results, 10. ophichthus cruentifer, margined snake eel, 18. brevoortia tyrannus, atlantic menhaden, 25. anchoa hepsetus, striped anchovy, 31. anchoa mitchilli, bay anchovy, 38. maurolicus muelleri, muller's pearlsides, 48. brosme brosme, cusk, 58. enchelyopus cumbrius, fourbeard rockling, 72. gadus morhua, atlantic cod, 85. melanogrammus aeglefinus, haddock, 93. merluccius albidus, offshore hake, 106. merluccius bilinearis, silver hake, 120. pollachius virens, pollock, 130. urophycis spp., hakes, 144. prionotus spp., searobins, 155. centropristis striata, black sea bass, 164. lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, tilefish, 173. pomatomus saltatrix, bluefish, 178. cynoscion regalis, weakfish, 184. micropogonias undulatus, atlantic croaker, 189. tautoga onitis, tautog, 195. tautogolabrus adspersus, cunner, 203. uranoscopidae, stargazers, 212. auxis spp., frigate and bullet mackerels, 217. sarda sarda, atlantic bonito, 222. scomber scombrus, atlantic mackerel, 229. peprilus triacanthus, butterfish, 236. citharichthys/etropus spp., gulf stream and smallmouth flounders, 248. paralichthys dentatus, summer flounder, 255. paralichthys oblongus, fourspot flounder, 265. scophthalmus aquosus, windowpane, 278. glyptocephalus cynoglossus, witch flounder, 288. hippoglossoides platessoides, american plaice, 298. pleuronectes ferrugineus, yellowtail flounder, 308. acknowledgments, 308. literature cited, 309. appendix table 1.
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