University of Michigan
Marine protected areas - Management - Strategies
This study provides information and insights about the community engagement strategies in current practice by Marine Protected Area (MPA) managers and community members throughout the United States. Until now, no synthesis of these efforts has been completed. Recognizing this gap, the National Marine Protected Area Center commissioned an external report on community engagement to be undertaken by Master's students at the University of Michigan. Through a literature review, interviews with MPA managers and community members, and an online survey, this report addresses the identified need. Common challenges to community engagement identified by MPA managers and community members are communication, involvement, representation, resource limitations, preconceptions, and staff expertise. Principles of community engagement are: to be proactivite; to be clear about purposes and terms; understand, validate, and speak to the community's concerns; start early with clear expectations; be responsive; be inclusive; build on common needs and goals; and recognise that it all begins with relationships. MPA managers described six objectives for community engagement: 1) to increase awareness and raise visibility of the MPA; 2) to enhance understanding and support for the MPA's purpose and resources; 3) to sustain forma and/or informal communication and collaboration with community members; 4) to encourage MPA-beneficial stewardship behaviours within the communities; 5) to enable others to help advance MPA objectives; 6) to instill community ownership and pride in the MPA. Moving forward, we encourage managers to draw inspiration from the community, celebrate small victories, and share ideas and inspiration.
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