Describe fisheries research activities being conducted in the south Pacific on both a national and a regional basis to explore requirements for additionalk research (indicating priorities), an to identify requirements for assistance to carry out such research
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41212
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PEIN Notes
Contents: Background: 1. purpose, 2. origin of the consultancy, 3. conduct of the work, 4. acknowledgements, Definitions: 8. what is research?, patterns of research, 13. conclusion, Recent progress in South Pacific Fisheries development: 15. background, 15. small scale fisheries, 15. progress on a region wide basis, 18. progress within countries, 24. industrial scale fisheries, 24. background, 24. developmentof local tuna industries, 28. activities of distant water fisheries, Patterns of Research in the South Pacific: 32. background, 34. inner reef resources, 34. past research, 39. evaluation, 43. deep bottom resources, 43. past research, 51. evaluation, 53. market research for small scale fishery products, 54. oceanic pelagics (biological aspects), 54. past research, 60. evaluation, 68. oceanic pelagics (economics and legal aspects), 68. past research, 69. evaluation, 72. communication, 74. training, 81. Aquaculture, Conclusions and recommendations: 83. introduction, 85. communication, 87. inner reef resources, 91. deep bottom resource and FAD fisheries, 92. ocanic pelagic resources, 94. aquaculture
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