Systematics and ecology of tonguefishes of the genus Symphurus from the western Atlantic ocean; Tasonomic history
Environment - Protection - Samoa
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Contents: 1-182. Systematics and ecology of tonguefishes of the genus symphurus (cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes) from the western Atlantic Ocean, 3. Taxonomic history, 5. Materials and methods, 21. Artificial key to western Atlantic Symphurus species accounts, 26. Symphurus nebulosus (Goode and Bean, 1883), 30. Symphurus arawak Robins and Randall, 1965, 34. Symphurus rhytisma Bohlke, 1961, 38. Symphurus billykrietei, new species, 45. Symphurus stigmosus, new species, 50. Symphurus ginsburgi Menezes and Benvegnu, 1976, 54. Symphurus pelicanus Ginsburg, 1951, 58. Symphurus pusillus(Goode and Bean, 1885), 62. Symphurus marginatus (Goode and Bean 1886), Symphurus piger (Goode and Bean, 1886), 71. Symphurus trewavasae Chabanaud, 1948, 75. Symphurus kyaropterygium Menezes and Benvegnu, 1976, 78. Symphurus minor Ginsburg, 1951, 82. Symphurus parvus Ginsburg, 1951, 87. Symphurus ommaspilus Bohlke, 1961, 91. Symphurus diomedeanus (Goode and Bean, 1885), 99. Symphurus jenynsi Evermann and Kendall, 1907, 104. Symphurus plagiusa (Linnaeus, 1766), 116. Symphurus urospilus Ginsburg, 1951, 120. Symphurus caribbeanus Munroe, 1991, 125. Symphurus civitatium Ginsburg, 1951, 131. Symphurus oculellus Munroe, 1991, 136. Symphurus plagusia (Schneider, in Bloch and Schneider, 1801), 141. Symphurus tessellatus (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824), 146. Discussion, 157. Acknowledgements, 158. Literature cited, 168. Appendix, 184. fishery Bulletin subscription form
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