Whales and other marine life have played a central part in many Pacific Islands cultures for thousands of years. The warm Tongan waters have always provided a safe annual haven for migrating humpback whales to breed and give birth after their long journey north from the Antarctic. Commercial whaling in the southern ocean exploited these humpbacks to near extinction in the 1950s and 60s and although there was only small-scale whaling carried out by Tongan whalers, the King of Tonga banned all whaling in 1978. Now 3 decades later Tonga has become a jewel in the Pacific for whale watching. Tourists from around the world travel to Tonga to be with the majestic humpbacks and enjoy the Tongan culture. This Video offers the audience a chance to observe the Tongan situation, the positive impact the whale watch industry is having on the economy and society and to see the potential future that the whales bring for Tonga. Sit back and enjoy the spectacular beauty of the humpback whales.
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