Department of land and natural resources state of Hawaii
Fisheries development
Environment - Protection - Samoa
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: (1)rationale for fisheries development: Socio-Economic Context; current fisheries program - fish and game, NMFS Honolulu laboratory, NMFS Western program office, economic development division, pacific tuna development foundation; planning framework; economic benefits - direct income effect, employment, net social benefits, tax revenues, benefits to existing fleet, summary; (2) resource potential: skipjack tuna - biology, present and potential fishery; albacore - biology, present and totential fishery; bigeye tuna - biology, present and potential fishery; yellowfin tuna - biology, present and potential fishery; bottomfish - opakapaka, kalekale, onaga, ehu, uku, lehi, gindai, hapuupuu, kahala, ulua, summary; seamount fisheries - armorhead, alfonsin, summary; akule - biology, present and potential fishery; opelu - biology, present and potential fishery; Hawaiian shark resources - biology, present and potential fishery; billfish - biology, present and potential fishery; spiny lobster - biology, present and potential fishery; deepsea shrimp - Caridean shrimp, penaeid shrimp; kona crab - biology, present and potential fishery; precious coral - deepwater precious coral, economics of precious coral industry; (3) profile of the existing fishing industry: overview of fisheries - environment, the human element; general constraints; specific constraints - infrastructure, financing, markets, data limitations, summary of development constraints (4) developmental strategies: general constraints and strategies - harbors, summary of harbors recommendations, infrastructure, summary of infrastructure recommendations, marketing and product promotion, financing, organization structure, data requirements; development of specific fisheries - aku fishery, troll fisheries, flagline fishery, tuna handline fishery, deepsea bottomfish fishery, seamount groundfish, akule and oplu, lobster fishery, shrimp fishery, miscellaneous fisheries; recommendation by functional category - infrastructure CIP project, organizational structure, programmatic funding, financial assistance, planning and land use, technical assistance, legislative actions; recommendations by funding and action agency - state agencies, federal government, University of Hawaii, private foundations and Pseudo-Governmental agencies, private industry; timetable of recommendations - FY 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1990, 1995; projected budget.
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