International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)
Invasive species
Invasive rodents are present on approximately 80% of the world’s islands and constitute one of the most serious threats to island biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The eradication of rodents is central to island conservation eff orts and the aerial broadcast of rodenticide bait is the preferred dispersal method. To improve the efficiency of rodent eradication campaigns, the generation of accurate and real-time bait density maps is required. Creating maps to estimate the spatial dispersion of bait on the ground has been carried out using traditional GIS methodologies, which are based on limiting assumptions and are time intensive. To improve accuracy and expedite the evaluation of aerial operations, we developed an algorithm for the numerical estimation of rodenticide density (NERD). The NERD algorithm performs calculations with increased accuracy, displaying results almost in real-time. NERD describes the relationship between bait density, the mass fl ow rate of rodenticide through the bait bucket, and helicopter speed and produces maps of bait density on the ground. NERD also facilitates the planning of helicopter fl ight paths and allows for the instant identification of areas with low or high bait density. During the recent and successful rodent eradication campaign on Banco Chinchorro in Mexico, carried out during 2015, NERD results were used to enable dynamic decision-making in the fi eld and to ensure the efficient use of resources.
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