The department of the interior office of insular affairs
Current and potential impacts on the environment and the economy; Current brown tree snakes contorl programs
Environment - Protection - Samoa
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PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. executive summary, 8. introduction, 9. statement of purpose, 9. objectives and scope, 10. background and current situation, 10. biology of the brown tree snake, 11. population development and status, 11. Guam, 11. commonwealth of the northern Mariana Islands, 12. republic of the Marshall Islands, 12. federated states of Micronesia, 12. Hawaii, 12. current and potential impacts on the environment and the economy, 13. impacts on teh vertebrates of Guam, 14. other ecological damages related to brown tree snakes, 15. beyond guam, 15. currently available control menasures and technology, 16. interception of snakes using canine detection, 16. trap capture, 17. hand capture, 17. chemical fumigation, 18. physical barriers, 18. exclosures, 18. enclosures, 19. linear barriers, 19. temporary barriers, 19. habitat alteration and prey base reduction, 20. public education, 20. current brown tree snake control programs, 20. introduction, 23. past and current control operations, 22. deparment of the interior - office of insular affairs, 24. control activities on guam, 25. control activities int eh commonwealth of the northern mariana islands, 27. control activities int eh state of Hawaii, 29. multi agency memorandum of agreement, 29. public/private parnerships for brown tree snake control, 29. proposed additional measures, 31. Guam, 31. Andersen Air Force Base, 32. Harmon Industrial Park, 35. COMNAVMAR, 35. Won Pat International Airport, 36. Commercial Seaport, 37. commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, 38. state of Hawaii, 39. other locations, 40. multi agency memorandum of agreement, 40. summary of operational needs, 41. assessment of programs, 41. detector dog programs,41. internal programmatic reviews of operational efforts, 42. annual review of brown tree snake operational control and research programs, 42. technology transfer: implementation fo research derived technolkogy into operational control, 42. barriers, 42. implementation of chemical fumigation of High risk cargo, 43. thermal treatment, 43. increased implementation of habitat modification and prey base control, 44. expand operational programs in Hawaii adn the commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, 44. augment current operations, 44. incorporate brown tree snake control into new ad expanding ports, 44. education and communication, 44. education and outreach, 45. interagency communication, 45. brown tree snake research needs, 47. summary, 48. literature consulted
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