invertebrate zoology
Environment - Protection - Samoa
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PEIN Notes
Contents: Introduction, 7. the protozoans, 8. subphylum plasmodroma, 9. class mastigophora, 18. systematic resume of class mastigophora, 18. class sarcodina, 28. systematic resume of class sarcodina, 28. class sporozoa, 29. subphylum ciliophora: class ciliata, 43. systematic resume of class ciliata, 45. the origin of the metazoa, 47. phylum mesozoa, 49. the sponges, 57. the classes of sponges, 59. the phylogenetic position of sponges, 60. the coelenterates, 61. histology and physiology of hydra, 67. class hydrozoa, 76. class scyphozoa, 80. class anthozoa, 91. the ctenophores, 97. the flatworms and the origin of the bilateria, 97. introduction to the turbellaria, 98. the acoela, 102. the higher turbellaria, 113. the parasitic flatworms, 114. systematic resume of the phylum platyhelminthes, 116. the nemerteans, 123. systematic resume of the phylum rhynchocoela, 125. spiral cleavage and the embryology of turbellarians and nemerteans, 125. types of cleavage and embryonic development, 128. embryology of the turbellaria, 131. embryology of the nemerteans, 133. the pseudocoelomates, 135. phylum aschelminthes, 135. class rotifera, 145. class gastrotricha, 148. class kinorhyncha, 150. class priapulida, 152. class nematoda, 161. class nematomorpha, 162. phylum acanthocephala, 163. phylum entoprocta, 168. the annelids, 169. class polychaeta, 208. systematic resume of class polychaeta, 210. class oligochaeta, 225. systematic resume of class oligochaeta, 225. class hirudinea, 236. systematic resume of class hirudinea, 238. the mollusks, 243. class amphineura, 249. the aplacophora, 250. class gastropoda, 277. systematic resume of class gastropoda, 278. class pelecypoda, 300. systematic resume of class pelecypoda, 301. class scaphopoda, 303. class cephalopoda, 318. systematic resume of class cephalopoda, 318. the monoplacophora and the origin of the mollusca, 321. introduction to the arthropods; the trilobites, 326. evolution of the arthropods, 328. synopsis of the arthropod classes, 328. the trilobites, 334. the chelicerates, 334. class merostomata, 334. subclass xiphosura, 339. subclass eurypterida, 340. class arachnida, 340. the general structure and physiology of arachnids, 345. order scorpionida, 348. order psudoscorpionida, 352. order solpugida, 354. order palpigradi, 355. order uropygi, 356. order amblypygi, 356. order araneae, 367. systematic resume of the order araneae, 368. order ricinulei, 369. order opiliones, 370. order acarina, 375. class pycnogonida, 380. the crustaceans, 391. systematic resume of class crustacea, 392. subclass cephalocarida, 392. subclass branchiopoda, 399. subclass ostracoda, 402. systematic resume of subclass copepoda, 410. subclass mystacocarida and subclass branchiura, 410. subclass cirripedia, 420. systematic resume of subclass cirripedia, 421. subclass malacostraca, 422. order nebaliacea, 422. superorder syncarida; order anaspidacea, 424. superorder hoplocarida and order stomatopoda, 427. superorder peracarida, 427. order mysidacea, 428. order cumacea, 429. order tanaidacea, 430. order isopoda, 434. systematic resume of order isopoda, 435. order amphipoda, 441. systematic resume of order amphipoda, 442. superorder eucarida, 442. order euphausiacea, 442. order decapoda, 464. systematic resume of order decapoda, 466. vertical migration in crustaceans, 467. chromatophores, hormones, physiological rhythms, and autotomy, 471. crustacean phylogeny, 475. the myriapodous arthropods, 475. class diplopoda, 481. systematic resume of class diplopoda, 482. class pauropoda, 483. class symphyla, 484. class chilopoda, 488. systematic resume of class chilopoda, 490. annelidan and arthropodan allies, 490. phylum sipunculida, 493. phylum echiurida, 496. phylum tardigrada, 499. phylum onychophora, 503. phulum pentastomida, 505. the lophophorate coelomates, 506. phylum phoronida, 508. phylum ectoprota, 518. systematic resume of phylum ectoprocta, 518. phylum brachiopoda, 524. the echinoderms, 526. class asteroidea, 539. class echinoidea, 552. class ophiuroidea, 557. class holothuroidea, 567. class crinoidea, 574. fossil echinoderms and echinoderm phylogeny, 580. ecological relationships and distribution, 582. the lesser deuterostomes, 582. phylum hemichordata, 582. class enteropneusta, 589. class pterobranchia, 590. hemichordate phylogeny, 590. phylum pogonophora, 591. phylum chordata, 591. subphylum urochordata, 591. class ascidiacea, 601. class thaliacea, 603. class larvacea, 603. urochordate phylogeny, 604. phylm chaetognatha, 609. index
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