Pacific Invasives Initiative; University of Auckland
Invasives species - Rat eradication - Crab interference
Invasive species - Land crabs & Rat eradication - Oceania
Land crab interference management - Introduced species - Oceania
Invasive mammal eradications are a proven, effective method of restoring damaged ecosystems and preserving biodiversity. On most tropical oceanic islands indigenous land crabs compete with targeted alien species for bait and interfere with traps and detection devices. Current eradication practices are inherited from successful termperate or subantarctic campaigns, yet we do not possess trued and tried methods for managing land crab interference. This report is the first organized attempt to address what's now commonly referred to as "the land crab problem." Accounts of land crab interference with eradication projects were sourced from an array of eradication practitioners; the resulting information was sorted into major topics and presented in tables, figures, and text. Major topics include: bait application rates, land crab and rat bait consumption, land crab behaviour, land crab interference with bait-stations, land crab deterring bait masks, and toxin exposure risk for non-target species. The summarized information in this report will guide future investigations into the land crab problem.
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