Cat eradication - Invasive species - Kiribati
Sea bird - Conservation - Malden - Kiribati
This study describes the biodiversity values of Malden Island, Kiribati, and assesses the potential benefits, feasibility and costs of removing key invasive species. Malden is relatively pest-free, but two significant invasive species are present - feral house cats and house mice. We believe that the most cost-effective and beneficial conservation action in the short term for Kiribati is to undertake a cat eradication programme. This would take pressure off nearly all of the 11 species of seabirds which currently breed at Malden, and allow for the natural and/or enhanced recovery of a further 5-6 species including the Phoenix Petrel (EN). This petrel and other sensitive species occur as foraging species in the seas around Malden and occasionally visit the island, where they are currently susceptible to cat predation. By removing the cats, this population "sink" effect on a number of species could be almost completely removed and the island would ultimately provide a secure breeding site for 15+ seabird species.
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