Department of Land and Natural Resources State of Hawaii
Important and recreational species of fish in Hawaii, was investigated to obtain information on maturation and spawning, feeding habits, growth, migration, and mortality. The commercial akule catch statistics from 1948-1970 were examined to provide information on exploitation
Environment - Protection - Samoa
Protected areas - Management
VF 41221
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. introduction, 1. identity, 1. nomenclature, 1. taxonomy, 2. morphology, 2. distribution, 3. bionomics and life history, 3. reproduction, 3. nutrition and growth, 4. behavior, 4. population, 4. structure, 5. mortality, 5. exploitation, 5. the Akule fishery, 6. commercial Akule production, 7. protection and management, 7. recommendations, 7. acknowledgement, 9. literature cited, 11. akule tagging data used in calculating estimates of average survival rates. Tag returns are weighted by days fished in areas of recovery, 12. Annual akile landings by county, State of Hawaii, 13. A comparison between commercial akule catch of the southern, western & northwestern inshore fishing areas and the rest of Oahu, 14. Oahu commercial catches of akule and hahalalu by landline and net, 15. Akule (Tranchurops crumenophthalmus), 16. notch with fleshy projection above furrow that identifies Trachurops genus from other carangids, 17. size requency distribution of 300 egg diameter measurements of the bigeye scad (Trachurops crumenophthalmus), 18. size frequency distribution of akule by gonad development stages during each two month period, sizes fo akule with immature or resting stage gonads are plotted with Dots and those with mature or spent gonads are plotted with X's, 19. estimated average growth curve of akule in length using Loo, to, and K obtained from the 1965 through 1967 tag recovery data, 20. relationship of total length to fork length of akule, 212. Akule tag returns fo 1965 releases, 22. akule tag returns of 1966-1967 three area tagging releases, 23. Akule tag returns of 1967 releases, 24. relationship of akule weight to fork length, dots represent average weight fo five millimeter size group represent average weight of five millimeter size group, 25. catch per effort of akule and hahalalu for the Oahu handline fishery, 26. Oahu statistical fihsing areas, inshore areas extend roughly two miles from the coastline, 27. statewide akule and hahalalu catches by months, 28. statewide commercial akule landings by years
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