King Kameahameaha Hotel
Environment - Protection - Samoa
Vf 41184
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
1. Introduction, 2. Approval of Agenda, 3. Approval of 95th and 96th Minutes, 4. Island reports, 5. Enforcement, 6. VMS, 7. Pelagics 8. Crustaceans, 8. Fishermen's Forum, 7. Pelagics (cont;), 9. Reports from fishery agencies and organization, 10. Precious Corals, 11. Bottomfish, 12. Native rights and indigenous fishing issues, 13. Ecosystems and habitat, 14. Program Planning, 15. Administrative Matters, 14. Program planning(cont;), 16. other Buisness.
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