Wildlife Conservation Society-Fiji
Traditonal inshore fisheries - Management rules - Fiji islands
Traditional inshore fisheries - Implications - Fiji islands
Protected areas
Protected areas - Oceania
Protected areas - Management
Catchment - Oceania - Pacific
Catchment - Fishing
Traditional inshore fishing
Wildlife Conservation Society-Fiji Technical report no.04/10
Research for this study was carried out under a two-year project to support the implementation of Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) at two catchment-to-reef sites on Vanua Levu, Fiji. While the original scope of the study was to draw on lessons from community monitoring of infringements within their marine protected area (MPA) networks, efforts to assist communities to keep regular records of non-compliance met with numerous challenges. Because of the limited community monitoring data, the report has changed in scope to discuss some of the root causes of non-compliance with fisheries regulations within the traditional fishing grounds (qoliqoli) of Kubulau District and Macuata Province.
Technical report
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