Environment - Cook Islands
Carolyn Court discusses information relating to the abovementioned issues. She talks to Dr. Ricky Ott about the effects of the oil spill which occurred in Alaska 5 years ago and issues surrounding that event. She also discusses with Laisiasa Tulega (Environmental Contaminants Officer for SPREP), about issues discussed in the Emergency Response Strategy in which SPREP hopes to develop with the assistance of the International Maritime Organisation, South Pacific Forum Secretariat, and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. We also hear about women of Cook Islands carrying out a recycling programme by creating public awareness through partici pation in the process. Lastly, information regarding the "Hysenph" water weed in Papua New Guinea. Carolyn Court speaks to Mick Jullian (Senior Research Scientist at the Division of Entimology for CSIRO who is also the Director for this Australian funded project. Their is discussion on the effects of the weed and strategies developed to deal to control its growth.
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