Republic of Palau
Invasive species - Strategic plan - Palau
Invasive species - Action plan - Palau
Invasive species - Pest control - Palau
A workshop was held for members and partners of the Palau National Invasive Species Committee (NISC) from March 26-28, 2013, with the purpose of drafting a strategic action plan (SAP). Workshop participants initially carried out a review of the goals and objectives of the previous NISC action plan (2007-10). The goals were then revised, and a new goal, Goal 6, was adopted, to ensure that activities in the plan are adequately resourced. Objectives were drafted for this plan to define the role of the NISC as a coordination and facilitation body, and to provide activities for NISC member and partner agencies. Objectives were prioritized in terms of logical sequence of activities, urgency of need, and those which are clearly within the responsibility of the NISC and its partners; actions were identified for all the objectives. This plan was adopted by the NISC on May 24, 2013.
Action Plan
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