South Pacific Commission
United States purse seine data provided by the American Tunaboat association in 5degree X 5degree grids by month; United states purse seine data provided by reports published through the Pacific Tuna Development foundation; Japanese longline data available in statistical bulletins on tuna catch and effort published by the fisheries agency of Japan, stratified in 5degree X 5degree grids by month; Taiwanese longline data available in statistical bulletins on tuna catch and effort published by the Tuna Research Center, National Taiwan University, stratified in 5degree X 5degree grids by month
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41258
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
3. availability of data for the regional tuna fisheries database, 7. catch and effort data held in the regional tuna fisheries database, 17. tag release data held at SPC, 21. tag recapture data held at SPC, 31. length frequency data held at SPC, 35. codes for nationality of fishing vessels, 35. codes for species, 35. codes for gear types, 35. codes for area stratification, 36. codes for time stratification, 36. codes for media of data storage, 36. codes for units of catch and effort, 37. codes for sources of data, 38. codes for geographic area
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