USP/University of Rhode Island
Coastal management - Lessons learned - Fiji islands
Marine resources - Protection - Fiji islands
Protected areas
Protected areas - Oceania
Protected areas - Management
Marine resource
Marine resource management
Marine resources - Pacific - Oceania
Marine resources - Fiji
The main goal of the project is to improve the planning and management of coastal resources in Fiji using an integrated approach, with the Coral Coast of Nadroga Province serving as a pilot site. Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) is a process that involves the integration (working together) between sectors at both the local and national levels and also between different levels of government. ICM helps solve problems. This initiative worked at both levels. At the local level the Coral Coast site serves to demonstrate and test strategies such as the development of an ICM action strategy.At the national level a National ICM Committee was established to advise and learn from
Environmental Impact Assessment
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