Protected areas - Oceania - Pacific
Ecotourism - Niue
Tourism - Developing countries
Sustainable development - Niue
Ecotoursim - Development - Huvalu Forest Conservation Area
Protected areas - Management
The development of ecotourism accompanied a growing interest in the natural environment and a reaction to negative effects resulting from mass tourism. Tourism in natural areas has increased in popularity, particularly with the ever-increasing global focus on environmental awareness. Ecotourism has developed in response to mass tourism, as mass tourism destinations were beginning to show signs of degradation resulting from over-use. Therefore, ecotourism was seen as a sustainable alternative, and also a means of interest to
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Published online @ www.multilingual-matters.net/cit/005/0319/cit0050319.pdf. First published in 'Current issues in tourism' Vol. 5 nos. 3 & 4, 2002
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