Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR)
Community characteristics of parrotfish; catch characteristics of parrotfish; biological characteristics of parrotfish
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41261
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. summary, 1. management recommendations, 3. introduction, 7. methods & Materials, 7. Community characteristics; characterization of the parrotfish community, 8. calculation of total reef area and estimate of standing stock, 8. catch characteristics; biological characteristics of the catch, 10. biological characteristics; growth and mortality, 11. reproduction, 12. age validation studies, results; 13. community characterization; characterization of the parrotfish population, 16. estimate of reef area and total standing biomass, 19. catch chatacteristics biological characteristics of the catch, 28. biological characteristics; size at maturity and spawning seasonality, 30. size at age, growth, and mortality, 32. age validation study, discussion; 38. community characteristics, 39. catch characteristics, 42. biological characteristics, 45. conclusion, 46. acknowledgements, 47. references, appendices: appendix 1 length weight regressions; appendix II. parrotfish identification guide, appendix III. biomass estimates, appendix IV. parrotfish length frequencies
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