North Holland publishing company
green turtle
Environment - Protection - Samoa
green turtle in the gulf of aden
green turtle in the seychelles islands
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: Kinds of sea turtles in the gulf of aden; description of the green turtle; coloration of the hawksbill; climate, monsoons and currents; exportation of sea turltes in south yemen; natural history of the green turtle in the gulf of aden; the nesting beaches; lahej state; aden state; fadhli, lower aulazi and wahidi states; quaiti state; characteristics of the sand on some nesting beaches; the nesting season; miscellaneous comparative observations on turtle populations along the coast of south yemen; nesting behavior; long distance movements; the green turtle in the seychelles; the nesting areas; aldabra; assumption; astove; cosmoledo; exploitation; coloration
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