Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR)
Comparison between Shoreline and Offshoreline Fisheries; Trends in the Shoreline Fishery.
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41149
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: 1 Abstract; 1 Introduction; 4 Methods; 6 Field Sampling; 6 Participation Data; 6 Catch Data; 7 Palolo Data; 7 Analysis; 7 Participation Analysis; 8 Catch Analysis; 9 Palolo Analysis; 9 Data Limitaions; 10 Results; 10 Fishery Profile; 12 Effort, Catch and CPUE; 14 Island- wide Catch and Effort; 18 Species Composition; 26 Sociological Information; 29 Discussion; 29 Comparison Between Shoreline and Offshore Fisheries; 29 Catch; 29 Value; 30 Trends in the Shoreline Fishery; 30 Catch, Effort, and CPUE; 35 Island-wide Catch and Effort; 37 Species Composition; 37 Reef Yields; 39 Conclusions; 39 Recomendations; 41 Acknowledgments; 42 Literature Cited; 44 Appendices; 45 Appendix 1; 50 Appendix 2; 51 Appendix 3 .
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