Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Sustainable Development - Tonga
Environmental protection - Tonga
Environmental conservation - Tonga
Natural resources surveys - Tonga
Natural resources Communal - Tonga
Economic Development - Tonga
Economic Development projects- Tonga - Oceania (Pacific)
In common with many island of the pacific basin, the Kingdom of Tonga has a limited resource base. With an urbanisation trend, Coupled with an emerging manufacturing sector and expanding tourism industry, natural resource continue to diminish, raising fundamental questions about resource allocation and distribution.
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This report examines development trends in the Kingdom and associated environmental impacts, indicates the Government's responses to environmental issues and then explores the opportunities for sustainable development in light of perceived constraints. These opportunities are focussed within four issues of central concern for the Kingdom: population and human settlement; land use planning and management; natural resources and energy conservation; and trade, industry and development investment.
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