National Capacity Self Assessment Project Department of Environment
Self assessment - Stocktaking thematic assessment - Tonga
Environmental management - Tonga
The people, environment and economy of the Kingdom of Tonga are highly susceptible to the effects of climate change, climate variability and sea level rise. This high vulnerability is a function of the country’s degree of exposure to climatic events and its limited capacity to adequately adapt to these effects. Although the concentrations of Tonga’s GHG emission are insignificant in comparison to global standards, the country is still working towards effectively implementing its share of the global actions aimed at mitigating the causes of climate change. Such adaptation and mitigation requirements are putting significant pressure on the country’s limited resources and international and regional assistance has been a main source of support. Since acceding to the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1998 the government and people of the Kingdom of Tonga have been implementing measures to address climate change issues at the national level and contribute to global efforts. While there has been some progress there are also a range of areas where more work is needed and where capacity needs to be developed and strengthened. This report presents the experiences and challenges faced by the government and people in addressing climate change related issues and identifies the priority capacity development needs of the country to enable it to address climate change and also meet its obligations as a Party to the UNFCCC.
Assessment Report
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