British Museum Publishing
Sea level rise - Climatic changes - Global
Climate change - Global impacts - Sea level rise
Geophysical modeling - Relative seal level rise
Case studies - Regional
Steric sea level rise - Estimates
Ise-sheet mass balance - Glaciers & Ice caps
Anthropogenic changes - Terrestrial water storage
Millions of people are crowded along the coastal fringes of continents, attracted by rich fertile land, transport connections, port access, coastal and deep-sea fishing, and recreational opportunities. In addition, significant populations live on oceanic islands with elevations of only a few meters. Many of the world's megacities, cities with populations of many millions, are situated at the coast, and new costal infrastructure developments worth billions of dollars are being undertaken in many countries. This coastal development has accelerated over the past 50 years, but it has taken place with an assumption that the stable sea levels of the past several millenia will continue; there has been little consideration of global sea-level rise.
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