The Nature Conservancy
Coastal villages - Marine resource use - PNG - Oceania
Rural livelihoods - Marine resources - PNG - Oceania
Coastal communities - Livelihoods - Marine - PNG
Protected areas - Oceania
Protected areas - Management
Marine resource
Marine resource management
Marine resources - Pacific - Oceania
Protected areas
Papua New Guinea
Marine environment
This report presents the findings of a socio-economic study conducted in six coastal villages in Kimbe Bay, West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea. From west to east around the Bay the study villages were Kulugi, Guango, Tarobi, Baikakea, Potou and Baea. The central aims of the study were to provide information for the design and implementation of a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) within Kimbe Bay and to give direction for future marine education and awareness campaigns for Kimbe Bay's communities.
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