International institute for environment and development
Species account: cetacea; pinnipedia; sirenia
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41248
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. introduction, 5. species accounts, 5. cetacea balaenidae, 5. eschrichtidae, 6. balaenopteridae, 8. ziphiidae, 11. physeteridae, 12. monodontidae, 13. delphinidae, 20. phocoenidae, 22. platanistidae, 23. pinnipedia otariidae, 26. odobenidae, 26. phocidae, 30. sirenia trichechidae, 31. dugongidae, Area Accounts: 3.1. Area 18: arctic sea, 31. Marine mammals found in area 18, 32. the fisheries of area 18, 3.2. Area 21: northwest atlantic, 33. marine mammals found in area 21, 37. the fish stocks of area 21, 41. the fisheries of area 21, 42. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 21, 3.3. area 27: northeast atlantic, 42. marine mammals found in area 27, 47. the fish stocks of area 27, 51. the fisheries of area 27, 51. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 27, 3.4. area 31: western central atlantic, 52. marine mammals found in area 31, 57. the fish stocks of area 31, 59. the fisheries of area 31, 60. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 31, 3.5. area 34: eastern central atlantic, 61. marine mammals found in area 34, 65. the fish stocks of area 34, 67. the fisheries of area 34, 67. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 34, 3.6. area 37: mediterranean and black sea, 68. marine mammals found in area 37, 70. the fish stocks of area 37, 72. the fisheries of area 37, 73. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 37, 3.7. area 41: southwest atlantic, 74. marine mammals found in area 41, 79. the fihs stocks of area 41, 83. the fisheries of area 41, 85. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 41, 3.8. area 47: southeast atlantic, 86. marine mammals found in area 47, 91. the fish stocks of area 47, 93. the fisheries of area 47, 93. summaryof marine mammal fishery interactions in area 47, 3.9. area 51: western indian ocean, 93. marine mammals found in area 51, 98. the fish stocks of area 51, 100. the fisheries of area 51, 101. summaryof amrine mammal fishery interactions in area 51, 3.10. area 57: eastern indian ocean, 101. marine mammals found in area 57, 107. the fish stocks of area 57, 108. the fisheries of area 61, 108. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 57, 3.11. area 61: northwest pacific, 109. marine mammals found in area 61, 116. marine mammals found in area 61, 118. the fisheries of area 61, 118. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 61, 3.12 area 67: northeast pacific, 119. marine mammals found in area 67, 125. the fish stocks of area 67, 126. the fisheries of area 67, 126. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 67, 3.13 area 71: western central pacific, 127. marine mammals found in area 71, 131. the fish stocks of area 71, 133. the fisheries of area 71, 133. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 77, 3.14 area 77: eastern central pacific, 134. marine mammals found in area 77, 137. the fish stocks of area 77, 141. the fisheries of area 77, 141. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 77, 3.15 area 81: southwest pacific, 143. marine mammals found in area 81, 147. the fihs stocks of area 81, 149. the fisheries of area 81, 149. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 81, 3.16 area 87: southeast pacific, 150. marine mammals found in area 87, 154. the fish stocks of area 87, 155. the fisheries of area 87, 155. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in area 87, 3.17 areas 48, 58, and 88: southern oceans, 156. marine mammals found in areas 48, 58, and 88, 159. the fish stocks of areas 48, 58, and 88, 160. the fisheries of areas 48, 58, and 88, 160. summary of marine mammal fishery interactions in areas 48, 58, and 88, 160. concluding remarks, 165. table summarizing, 168. references, 191. map of statistical areas
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