Fisheries Resources Branch Bureau of Rural Resources department of Primary Industries & Energy John Curtin House Brisbane Avenue Barton Canberra ACT 2601
The appearance of yellowfin tuna off the east coast of Australia varies seasonally and from year to year. catches of yellowfin tuna are often linked to the incursion of warm water (18-22 degrees celsius) from the coral sea along the east coast.
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41086
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: iii. summary, v. table of contents, 1. introduction, 2. recreational angling, 2. history, 2. fishing activities, 2. monitoring programs, 3. catches, 5. Australian longline, 5. history, 5. fishing craft and operations, 5. monitoring programs, 7. catches, 7. Japanese longline, 7. history, 7. fishing operations and catch, 8. monitoring programs, 8. Japanese handline, 8. pole and line and purse seine, 9. distant water purse seining, 9. other commercial operations, 10. references, 11. Appendix 1L Australian tuna longline logbook, Appendix 2. Japanese longline logbook and gear sheet, 13. Appendix 3: purse seine logbook, 14. Appendix 4: pole and line logbook
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