Featured Publications

Analysis of Port Based outreach, Port of Suva: 2019-2023, Implemented by BirdLife International Suva, Fiji
SPREP-Tok : Issue 96. July, 2024
Vanuatu Financial Projections Mechanism Technical Report : Rapid Climate Risk Assessment Framework
COSPPac Monthly Bulletin, May 2024
Analysis of Port Based outreach, Port of Suva: 2019-2023, Implemented by BirdLife International Suva, Fiji
SPREP-Tok : Issue 96. July, 2024
Vanuatu Financial Projections Mechanism Technical Report : Rapid Climate Risk Assessment Framework
COSPPac Monthly Bulletin, May 2024
Rapport de la Troisième (3e) Réunion du Conseil Exécutif du PROE, 8-9 Septembre 2022.
Report of the Third (3rd) SPREP Executive Board Meeting, 8–9 September 2022.
Good Practice Guidelines in Environmental Impact Assessment for Coastal Engineering in the Pacific
Bonnes pratiques en matière d’études de l’impact sur l’environnement pour l’ingénierie côtière dans le Pacifique
COSPPac Monthly Climate Bulletin, October 2022.
Regional Early Action Rainfall Watch : Monthly and seasonal Rainfall Watch: October 2022
COSPPac Monthly Climate Bulletin, September 2022.
Pacific Conversation Noumea Convention Part 4 Know More, Do More, Together
Pacific Conversation Noumea Convention Part 3 Know More, Do More, Together