Featured Publications

Analysis of Port Based outreach, Port of Suva: 2019-2023, Implemented by BirdLife International Suva, Fiji
SPREP-Tok : Issue 96. July, 2024
Vanuatu Financial Projections Mechanism Technical Report : Rapid Climate Risk Assessment Framework
COSPPac Monthly Bulletin, May 2024
Analysis of Port Based outreach, Port of Suva: 2019-2023, Implemented by BirdLife International Suva, Fiji
SPREP-Tok : Issue 96. July, 2024
Vanuatu Financial Projections Mechanism Technical Report : Rapid Climate Risk Assessment Framework
COSPPac Monthly Bulletin, May 2024
RMI waste audit report
Waste Audit Report Republic of the Marshall Islands
ELT management reuse options
End of Life Tyre Management : Non-Process Reuse Options
factsheet ELT
Community factsheet : End of Life Tyres (ELT)
ELT mechanical
End of Life Tyre Management : Options for Mechanical Processing
SPREP Procurement manual 2022
SPREP Procurement Manual January 2022
COSPPAC January 2022
COSPPac Monthly Climate Bulletin, January 2022.
ACP MEAs 3 newsletter Feb 2022
ACP MEAs Monthly Information Digest: Vol 2, Issue 2. February 2022
personal equipment
Personal Protective Equipment: Guidance for Waste Management Workers in Pacific Island Countries
Recycling market research report
Recycling market research report