Featured Publications

Analysis of Port Based outreach, Port of Suva: 2019-2023, Implemented by BirdLife International Suva, Fiji
SPREP-Tok : Issue 96. July, 2024
Vanuatu Financial Projections Mechanism Technical Report : Rapid Climate Risk Assessment Framework
COSPPac Monthly Bulletin, May 2024
Analysis of Port Based outreach, Port of Suva: 2019-2023, Implemented by BirdLife International Suva, Fiji
SPREP-Tok : Issue 96. July, 2024
Vanuatu Financial Projections Mechanism Technical Report : Rapid Climate Risk Assessment Framework
COSPPac Monthly Bulletin, May 2024
sprep executive meeting report
Report of the First Executive Board meeting, 10-11 September 2018, Apia, Samoa
ACPMEA2 workshop report
Regional Joint Meeting of the ACPMEA2 and Inform Projects, 17-21 September 2018, SPREP Headquarters, Apia, Samoa
Terminal Evaluation of UN Environment Project: “Prevention, control and management of Invasive Alien Species in the Pacific Islands”
Terminal Evaluation of UN Environment Project: “Prevention, control and management of Invasive Alien Species in the Pacific Islands”
Republic of the Marshall Islands State of Environment report (SoE) brief
The Republic of the Marshall Islands National Environment Management Strategy (NEMS) 2017-2022
Echange de donnees sur les especes envahissantes du Pacifique dans le cadre du Systeme mondial d'information sur la biodiversite GBIF
PEBACC Newsletter, Issue 7, August - October, 2018
climate bulletin
Monthly Climate Bulletin, October 2018
SPREP tok49
SPREP Tok, Issue 49, October