Synthesis of the reports of the scientific, environmental effects and technology and economic assessment panels of the Montreal Protocol - a decade of assessments for decision makers regarding the protection of the Ozone layer 1988-1999
Synthesis of the reports of the scientific, environmental effects and technology and economic assessment panels of the Montreal Protocol - a decade of assessments for decision makers regarding the protection of the Ozone layer 1988-1999
Integrated coastal zone management and non-living marine resources development in Asia and the Pacific - development and management of non-living resources in the coastal zones of the Asia-Pacific region - volume 4
Integrated coastal zone management and non-living marine resources development in Asia and the Pacific - development and management of non-living resources in the coastal zones of the Asia-Pacific region - volume 4
UNFCCC - tenth sessions of the subsidiary body for scientific and technological advice (SBSTA) and the subsidiary body for implementation (SBI) - briefing document for the Pacific island countries
UNFCCC - tenth sessions of the subsidiary body for scientific and technological advice (SBSTA) and the subsidiary body for implementation (SBI) - briefing document for the Pacific island countries
Workshop on the year 2000 problem : final report - implications for meteorological services - Honolulu,Hawaii, 8-10 November 1998
Workshop on the year 2000 problem : final report - implications for meteorological services - Honolulu,Hawaii, 8-10 November 1998
Minerals and metals development and trade for sustainable supply in Asia and the Pacific - mineral resources assessment, development and management series - volume 4
Minerals and metals development and trade for sustainable supply in Asia and the Pacific - mineral resources assessment, development and management series - volume 4
Oil and natural gas resources and potential in north-east asia - mineral concentrations and hydrocarbon accumulations in the ESCAP region series - volume 10
Oil and natural gas resources and potential in north-east asia - mineral concentrations and hydrocarbon accumulations in the ESCAP region series - volume 10
GOOS - Africa : global ocean observing system for SICOM - PAN-AFRICA conference on sustainable integrated coastal management - Mozambique,1998
GOOS - Africa : global ocean observing system for SICOM - PAN-AFRICA conference on sustainable integrated coastal management - Mozambique,1998