Inshore fisheries development and management: The South Pacific experience; an overview
Inshore fisheries development and management: The South Pacific experience; an overview
Ontogentic diet shifts and resource partitioning among piscivorous fishes in the Venezuelan Ilanos
Ontogentic diet shifts and resource partitioning among piscivorous fishes in the Venezuelan Ilanos
Effects of Hurricane Gilbert On Coral Reefs, Fishes and Sponges at Cozumel, Mexico
Effects of Hurricane Gilbert On Coral Reefs, Fishes and Sponges at Cozumel, Mexico
Analyses of the relationship between the dostribution of searching effort, tuna catches, and dolphin sightings within individual purse seine cruises
Analyses of the relationship between the dostribution of searching effort, tuna catches, and dolphin sightings within individual purse seine cruises