The effect of Norway rats on coastal waterbirds of the Falkland Islands: a preliminary analysis
The effect of Norway rats on coastal waterbirds of the Falkland Islands: a preliminary analysis
Applying lessons learnt from tropical rodent eradications: a second attempt to remove invasive rats from Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico
Applying lessons learnt from tropical rodent eradications: a second attempt to remove invasive rats from Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico
The eradication of black rats (Rattus rattus) from Dog Island, Anguilla, using ground-based techniques
The eradication of black rats (Rattus rattus) from Dog Island, Anguilla, using ground-based techniques
Successes and failures of rat eradications on tropical islands: a comparative review of eight recent projects
Successes and failures of rat eradications on tropical islands: a comparative review of eight recent projects