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Job Vacancy Archives

Environmental Monitoring and Governance Programme Assistant
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Provide administrative and secretarial support services to the Programme Director and the EMG Programme
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Technical Waste Project Officers (3) - PacWaste Plus (TWPOPWP)
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

3 positions: 1 for each of thematic area:

  1. Hazardous Waste Management
  2. Solid Waste Management
  3. Resource Recovery

This job exists to:

  • Provide technical advice to the PacWaste Plus Project and participating Countries
  • Implement agreed PacWaste Plus project activities and deliverables
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For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Provide cleaning and office maintenance services and support
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Finance Officer - Projects
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only


This job exists to:

  • Provide financial services and support as part of the Finance team
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Young Professionals Programme: Pacific Islands Nature Conference Coordinator

(For nationals of Pacific Island Countries or Territories ONLY)

This job exists to:

  • Provide technical, administrative and coordination support to SPREP as Secretariat of the Pacific Island Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT) to organise and prepare for the 10th Pacific Island Nature Conference
  • Provide a short-term development opportunity for a young Pacific island graduate
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Framework for Resilient Development in the Pacific Coordinator
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to:

  • Lead the coordination of SPREP’s contribution to the implementation of the FRDP as well as the activities and programmes of the PRP TF and SU.
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Due date:
Technical Waste Project Officers (3) – PacWaste Plus Project
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to:

  • Provide technical advice to the PacWaste Plus Project and participating Countries
  • Implement agreed PacWaste Plus project activities and deliverables
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Download Job Description (643.62 KB) , Download Application Form (120.5 KB) , Download Job Description (French Version) (749.6 KB)
Due date:
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  •  Provide cleaning and office maintenance services and support
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Download Job Description (576.58 KB) , Download Application Form (113.5 KB)
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Project Manager – Regional Invasive Species Project
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to:

  • Lead and implement the project and manage the project team to implement the suite of activities to achieve project outcomes.
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Download Job Description (620.92 KB) , Download Application Form (119 KB) , Download Job Description (French Version) (727.06 KB)
Due date:
Invasive Species - PRISMSS Associate
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Provide administrative and coordination assistance to support the management of the PRISMSS
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Download Job Description (632.08 KB) , Download Application Form (119.5 KB)
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