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Job Vacancy Archives

Finance & Administration Officer (FAO) - PEBACC+ project
For Fiji Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Provide financial services and administrative support to the PEBACC+ project.
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Information Technology Support Officer Pacific Climate Change Centre (ITSO-PCCC)
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This position exists to:

  • Provide support and assistance to the Pacific Climate Change Centre applications and databases, IT End user tools and devices, conference equipment, services, processes and other technical end user support


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Young Professionals Programme - Pacific Biodiversity Coordinator for the Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PBC-PIRT) - For nationals and Permanent Residents of the Pacific Island Member countries ONLY

This Young Professionals opportunity exists to:

  • Provide professional exposure and opportunities to develop skills and knowledge of young Pacific islanders;
  • Strengthen capacity building in young professionals in the island member countries and territories;
  • Provide technical, administrative and coordination support to SPREP to carry out its duties and functions as Secretariat of PIRT;
  • Support a youth network across the region that mobilises Pacific youth engagement in biodiversity decision making at the regional and global level;
  • Promote SPREP and PIRT’s work and regional environmental issues and priorities.


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Communications Officer, Pacific Climate Change Centre (CO, PCCC)
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Coordinate and implement the PCCC Partnership and Communications Strategy and Action Plan (PCAP) and to raise the profile of the PCCC and PCCC four key thematic areas- Knowledge Brokerage, Applied Research, Capacity Building and Innovation.
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Information Technology and Administration Officer, PRISMSS (ITAOPRIS)
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Provide information technology and office administrative support to the PRISMSS.
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Finance and Administration Officer - Intra-ACP Climate Services and related Applications (ClimSA) Project.
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to:

  • Lead the financial and administration functions of the project
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Finance Officer (FO)
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Provide financial services and support as part of the Finance team
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Download Application Form (124.5 KB) , SPREP_FO_Job Description_June 22_FINAL.pdf (517.53 KB)
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Project Technical Assistant, Committing to Sustainable Waste Actions in the Pacific (PTA, SWAP)
For Samoan Nationals & Permanent Residents Only

This job exists to:

  • Provide project assistance and support in the management and implementation of the SWAP Project.
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Regional Climate Centre Coordinator - Intra-ACP Climate Services and related Applications (ClimSA) Project
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to:

  • Coordinate the Regional Climate Centre (RCC) operations, RCC consortium and related activities.
  • Support the Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership (PMDP) and Pacific Island National Meteorological Services
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Knowledge Brokerage Officer – Intra-ACP Climate Services and related Applications (ClimSA) Project
For Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI)

This job exists to:

  • Lead in the implementation of the ClimSA Communication and Visibility Plan; and to support knowledge brokering of climate related products and services.
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