SPREP supports its members with high-impact projects across the Pacific region. In 2017, SPREP established a Project Coordination Unit to support its project managers, formalize project management processes, and track and support project health. The PCU helps to align projects with countries’ and donors’ priorities and improve performance.

Projects are currently being imported. Check back soon for more project information.

Projects Database

Color code Short Name Title SPREP Program
RESPAC and I-CLEWS UNDP RESPAC and I-CLEWS Funding Support to PMC PIETR and PHS Panel Climate Change Resilience
ACP MEA 3 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) Phase III Environmental Governance
By-catch and Integrated Ecosystem Management (PEUMP BIEM) European Development Fund 11 - Pacific European Union Marine Programme - By-catch and Integrated Ecosystem Management (PEUMP BIEM) Biodiversity Conservation
CISRDP / Van-KIRAP Climate Information Services for Resilient Development Planning in Vanuatu (FP035) Climate Change Resilience
ClimSA Climate Services and Related Applications Climate Change Resilience
COSSPac Phase III Climate and Oceans Support Program in the Pacific Phase 3
CREWS Pacific SIDS Project- Community-based Early Warning System and DRR Climate Change Resilience
EREPA Solomon Islands Ensuring Resilient Ecosystems and Representative Protected Areas in Solomon Islands Biodiversity Conservation
GEF ISLANDS GEF ISLANDS Pacific Child Project Waste Management & Pollution Control
GEF6 Regional Invasives Project (RIP) Strengthening national and regional capacities to reduce the impact of Invasive Alien Species on globally significant biodiversity in the Pacific Biodiversity Conservation
GFA - Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion at COP28, 29, 30 Grant Funding Arrangement - Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion at COP28, 29, 30 Climate Change Resilience
ICCE Strengthening Pacific Leadership in International Climate Change Engagement
LDCC Addressing Climate Change Loss and Damage – Pacific Regional Partnership
MACBLUE Management of blue carbon ecosystems in the Pacific Island Countries Biodiversity Conservation
NAP Nauru Republic of Nauru National Adaptation Planning – Phase One Climate Change Resilience
NAP Tuvalu Development of Tuvalu’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to advance medium and long-term adaptation planning Climate Change Resilience
Nauru Readiness II Nauru Readiness II - Strengthening Nauru NDA and for DAE access
NDC Assist II - Strengthening NDC Financing and Implementation NDC Assist II - Strengthening NDC Financing and Implementation (Regional Pacific NDC Hub, Phase 3) Climate Change Resilience
NIPS Review and Update of the National Implementation for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Pacific Waste Management & Pollution Control
Niue Readiness II Niue GCF Readiness 2 – Strengthening of the NDA and Niue’s Access to Climate Finance Governance and Operations
Pacific BioScapes Pacific Biodiversity and Sustainable Land- Seascapes Programme Biodiversity Conservation
Pacific Development MIA Development of Minamata Convention Mercury Initial Assessment in Pacific Waste Management & Pollution Control
Pacific ReefCould Pacific Coral Reef ReefCloud Monitoring Project
PACPLAN Resilience Project PACPLAN Resilience Project
PacWaste Plus Pacific-EU Waste Management Programme (CRIS number: FED/2018/397-942) Waste Management & Pollution Control
PAWES Pacific adoption of waste to energy solutions project Waste Management & Pollution Control
PCCC - DFAT Project Strengthening the Services of the Pacific Climate Change Center (PCCC) Climate Change Resilience
POLP Pacific Ocean Litter Project Waste Management & Pollution Control
PPIN Promoting Pacific Islands Nature-based Solutions Biodiversity Conservation
PRISMSS RIR PRISMSS Restoring Island Resilience
PROTEGE OCT EDF 11 Invasive Species PROTEGE OCT EDF 11 Invasive Species
RMI Readiness II Republic of the Marshall Islands GCF Readiness II: Strengthening of the NDA and Direct Access Entities
Solomon Islands Readiness I Strengthening the NDA Capacity and Strategic Engagement of Solomon Islands Governance and Operations
SPREP Readiness Supporting Regional Direct Access Entities to increase Pacific SIDS access to climate financing (GCF Readiness Support)
SWAP Committing to Sustainable Waste Actions in the Pacific Waste Management & Pollution Control
UKMO Pacific Fund UKMO Pacific Fund Climate Change Resilience
WRPP Weather Ready Pacific Inception Phase
WWII Wrecks FSM Enhance efforts to address Oil Spill Risk from Potentially Polluting Wrecks in the Federated States of Micronesia - Phase 2