Submitted by sharon.manickaraj on Wed, 09/08/2021 - 17:33

Fasan Chong aka Jean Kape is an emblematic figure in the culture and conservation of biodiversity in French Polynesia.

Born in 1946 on the small isolated island of Napuka in Tuamotu in French Polynesia, Jean Kape held various jobs in the various islands of French Polynesia and ended his career with the National Police. Beyond his professional career, Jean Kape is best known and recognized for his long-standing associative commitment. He has been volunteering in the preservation of culture and nature since 1976 with numerous cultural and environmental associations. In 2012, he was awarded the title of Knight of the Legion of Honor, the highest French honorary decoration.

Today, still on a voluntary basis, he chairs the Tamariki-Te-Puka-Maruia and Te Reo o te Tuamotu associations, he is the Director of the Pa'umotu Academy and an active member of a dozen cultural and environmental associations.

During his eight years as President of the Société des Etudes Océaniennes, Jean Kape encouraged the publication of articles on environmental subjects in the Society's Bulletin, and the integration of experts from the Pacific biodiversity on its board of Directors.

Jean Kape has contributed to numerous scientific works and publications and regularly intervenes at conferences or symposia held in French Polynesia. He is also a TV host on the local channel TNTV where he hosts a cultural program in vernacular languages. Jean Kape is the only representative of the civil society to be part of the project selection committee from the French Polynesia Environment Department held twice a year.

He is an active member of the association the Society of Ornithology of Polynesia - SOP Manu, of which he was Vice-President for 5 years, Jean Kape provided his valuable volunteer services for many conservation projects for endemic birds of French Polynesia in ensuring the involvement of the local community.

Finally, Jean Kape is hired on a voluntary basis as the Pacific region coordinator of the IUCN French Committee. For the past five years, it has supported its activities, in particular within the framework of the European BEST program (Voluntary scheme for biodiversity and ecosystem services in the outermost regions and European countries and overseas territories). Jean Kape participated in the development of the ecosystem profile for French Polynesia and Pitcairn and provided invaluable support for the coordination of the three calls for projects of the program in French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna and Pitcairn

Lifetime Achievement
personal profile
Fasan Chong Aka Jean Kape
Fasan Chong Aka Jean Kape