
Marine Spatial Plans developed for Fiji and Solomon Islands EEZs;
Integrated 'ridge to reef' management plans developed for coastal areas in Fiji and Vanuatu;
Endangered species by-catch assessed and extinction risk evaluated;
By-catch mitigation strategies developed and rolled-out;
Capacity development through research grant (Lui Bell Scholarship Fund);
Support for community monitoring and protection of endangered species; and
Capacity building for CITES Parties.

Project detail
Short Name
By-catch and Integrated Ecosystem Management

(5) Sustainable utilisation of the coastal and marine biodiversity promoted through improving marine spatial planning, increasing climate change resilience, enhancing conservation, mitigation and rehabilitation measures:
(5.1) Support for marine spatial planning in at least two countries;
(5.2) integrated ecosystem strategies and coastal zone management planning;
(5.3) climate change adaptation strategies integrated into coastal community plans;
(5.4) endangered marine species by-catch assessed and extinction risk evaluated;
(5.5) by-catch mitigation strategies developed and rolled-out;
(5.6) capacity development through research grant;
(5.7) support for community monitoring and protection of endangered species;
(5.8) capacity building on non-detrimental findings process for CITES parties. These activities will be implemented at the national level with the focus on of some activities on Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji, Solomon Islands and PNG.

Start Date
End Date