Featured Publications

SPREP-Tok : Issue 95. June, 2024
'People, Places and Knowledge' Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal - Pacific BioScapes Programme - Regional Activity
Strengthening the Inform Pacific Environmental Data Portal
Legislation guidance end-of-life vehicle management in the Pacific.
SPREP-Tok : Issue 95. June, 2024
'People, Places and Knowledge' Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal - Pacific BioScapes Programme - Regional Activity
Strengthening the Inform Pacific Environmental Data Portal
Legislation guidance end-of-life vehicle management in the Pacific.
Gestion des hulies usagée - Brochure de synthése : Une soumission au PROE
SPREP-Tok : Issue 85. May, 2022.
Lessons from the Pacific : Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the fair equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilisation
Pacific Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS): Implementation Guidelines
PacWastePlus Connection Newsletter - Issue 10 2022
Regional Early Action Rainfall Watch : Monthly and seasonal Rainfall Watch: July - September 2022
media award
2022 Vision Pasifika Media Awards - Climate Change Resilience
COSPPac Monthly Climate Bulletin, May 2022
Pacific Regional Marine Species Programme - Workshop Series Report 28 July - 3 August 2021